Monday, July 13, 2015

the 13 year ache...

tomorrow will be the 13th year of the anniversary of the death of my dad. i carry this ache, that has now part of me, every day. it is not a physical pain, but a feeling that a piece of my heart is missing...

my dad had many titles...colonel to some, daddy to his 6 children and papa to all of his grandchildren.

often people think that when you are raised in a military family, that your dad is some tough guy. i didn't know that side of him, other than the respect that others gave to him when we were out in public.  the side i knew and adored, was a very gentle man, smart, playful, and a great sense of humor. (you knew you had crossed a "line" with him, when his two eyebrows became words needed to be said).

i got to spend the last 6 weeks of his life with him. he was dying, and i was lucky to share that time with him. one morning, when we were talking, he said... "have fun everyday..i did"..
at first that statement shook me up a little..this from a man who had been to war twice, had some  sad things happen in his personal life, and had lived with so many respondsibilities. but, then i start remembering...his love of family, music, books, art,  and life.

he was a man who had seen many ugly things, but would tell me about the beautiful things he had seen in his life. the only war stories i heard, were very colorful and humorous ones. he was old school, where men did not talk about war or swear around woman.

my dad celebrated his children and their choices. he loved my work and never tried to discourage me from doing any thing other than what i loved and wanted to do. he told all of us that he just wanted us to be happy and to do what makes us happy. this is one of the reasons, that every day, i get up and go into my studio. he taught me about work ethics, and would be giddy today if he could hang out in the studio with me!

my ache and i will be in the studio...making art and knowing that my dad is some place celebrating that i am doing what his influences taught have fun everyday...

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