Monday, January 11, 2016

there's a starman....

I woke up this morning, all ready to dive into my day of busyness ...

I made my coffee, and flora adora and i came down to the studio.

The first thing i read on my facebook page is that David Bowie has passed away...

I am stunned and sad.

I "grew up" with David Bowie... i have owned his album, The Rise and Fall of Ziggy Stardust and the Spiders from Mars, in every form possible ( 8 track, vinyl, cassette, cd). It is now downloaded on my computer, and often listen to it  (when i am not listening to opera and making up words while i "sing" along).

I was first introduced to David Bowie, in the early 70's, by my friend Leslie Vance. We were teenagers living in Iran, doing the things that we thought most teens do...We would sit on the roof of her house, listening to David Bowie from sunset to sunrise, smoking like fools, and talking like we had answers to things.

I carried David Bowie, on cassette, in my travel bag with me, as i traveled back to the states. I carried David Bowie to college with me. He was front and center in our music collection when i married, is always in my studio with me, was introduced to my son, was with me when i got a divorce and cancer, and i still, to this day, if one of his songs comes on the radio while i am driving....i turn it up and "sing" with him.

Rest in Peace, David Bowie.... you will always be the coolest person i ever "knew"... starman.....

(i found this image online, and don't know who to credit).

thank you!!!


1 comment:

  1. I remember! What a time that was. He was there with us through it all and now he is gone. Good night, sweet prince!!
