Monday, January 4, 2016


it has been so long since my last blog. the past few months were wonderfully busy! this was the first fall/christmas season in several years that i was not in the midst of treatments for cancer. i had energy. i am so lucky to love my job because i worked almost seven days a week for the last few months.

needless to say, my studio got neglected and ended up in more chaos than even i can handle. and believe me,  i can handle a really messy studio..with no embarrassment!!

this got me thinking beyond my "normal" mode....i love the beautiful books and magazines that show wonderfully neat and organized studios/work spaces. i wondered if i should aspire to have that for myself. i knew without another thought that i could only work in such order for a few minutes!! i am a messy thinker...thoughts going from here to who knows where, and that is how i work. eventually, it all comes thinking and my art! (i still would like the studio to be more organized tho!!  i will keep working at that!)

this year i will turn 60 and i finally have given myself permission to be unapologetic and blissfully happy to work the way that i do!

i have to be realistic, so i am trying really hard to have the "business" part of my biz, not be like my creative part...(makes me anxious at tax time!). so, i actually gave myself a few things so that i can work more efficiently and professionally. i had a big beautiful table built for the "office" part of the studio and i worked with someone to design an organizer that works with the way that i think. by spending money on those things, i will not be lax in the other important side of my work - so far so good, two days into the new year, and i have stayed on task with it!!

my word this year is....READYSETGO!

i have taken many steps to get READY, the "office," i have designed several new pieces, started gettting all my supplies in order, so i am SET...and in the morning, i will officially start the new year at my new  "office" table (doing this blog) and then GO gleefully dive into my "work."

flora adora with be with me in the studio...and wherever i am for that matter. she has a new bed in the cart where she naps next to me. when she wakes up, the world becomes hers and that makes me take some time to play!!!

thank you for taking the time to read this blog. i always love to her from you!

planner from JANES AGENDA/etsy
table from JOLIE RAIMONDO, local artist extraordinare



  1. Thank you, for sharing, busy lady! Love your work!

  2. I hardly blog anymore either. For a year and a half I couldn't even post pics! Your studio looks great to me. Very worked in. The ones in the magazines are empty and no one is creating in them!!

  3. I hardly blog anymore either. For a year and a half I couldn't even post pics! Your studio looks great to me. Very worked in. The ones in the magazines are empty and no one is creating in them!!
