Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Denial..with a capital D

I found out in December that I have to have hand surgery. WHAT????? This is not good...I need both of my hands to work!

I postponed the surgery one time, hoping that things would magically get better. That did not work. So....tomorrow, I will have surgery on my hand. Actually, it is the lower joint on my thumb...bone on bone. There is a bit of arthritis and "over use."

Of course, my first question to the Dr long before i can use my hand...this is where things felt shady...he said, "you will have use, however, you will be in a cast for 3 months." WHAT??? I proceeded to tell him that would not work for me. He did not budge.

I have convinced myself that since I was able to work thru a few years of cancer treatments,  this should be a breeze. When I tell my friends and family that...I get stares and eye rolls.

Ok, this might be a challenge, but I have been practicing using one hand...awkward. My head is full of ideas, so I will be getting ahead of my designing for the next couple of seasons. I will be able to write more (i am left handed, surgery is on the right hand),  finish re-doing my etsy shop, and really take some time to clean up the studio, since the way I work on art is using both hands and i can put stuff away in the studio with one hand.

I have been in the studio non stop since I knew about this. I am well stocked with product! But... I know me, I will be in the studio, wearing rubber gloves since the Dr. said that i can't get my cast dirty..

 Flora will be going to the wasbands for few days.

I  have help lined up for shows, Steve (perm-date) will be his usual wonderful self, cooking and chauffeuring ( I don't like driving when I have 2 hands!), and I will be working....only in a different way!!

I am prepared!!!

I have told my friends and family, that i will do my best, not to get crabby, but I make no promises about that.



  1. <3 lots of love and prayers for sanity for the artist & my friend (you- whoo know who you are ) <3

  2. Oh no! I totally sympathize with your not being able to craft. I would go nuts. I certainly hope you don't go nuts!! Oh and hope you heal faster than the doctor thinks!
