Wednesday, September 2, 2015

coming home to me.....

about 10 years ago, i divorced my husband (wasband) of 27 years. i bought my first home alone (a townhouse), and started a new life. i was still feeling raw from losing my dad a couple of years prior to this.

moving into my sweet little house felt so peaceful, blissful and hopeful.

i loved my first year there...i had a cozy home, a beautiful patio, and my studio moved in with me (it had been in a warehouse full of other artists).

i felt free and happy, and never lost being a strong minded person... it ended in a flash.
i began to be threatened and harassed by a neighbor, ended up in court for a much too long law suit, restraining order get the picture.

in the midst of all this chaos, i met steve (perma date). we decided to live together, and 6 months later we bought our home.

the lawsuit was on going, but i just worked and created and tried to settle into my new life. the lawsuit finally ended about a year after we moved here.

then i got really sick with a thyroid misdiagnosis, then cancer.

between the lawsuit and illness, i lost all of my money.. and never wanting to have the starving artist syndrome, i knew i would keep working.

i have spent the last 5 years healing and working. my art work is what kept me sane...and steve.
i rarely left the house, when i saw my friends, they came here. i used to be a social creature, but i just wanted to isolate. i avoided people in our new neighborhood, and when i had to go out, i was usually with steve. going out was an effort.

there was no feeling of anxiety or depression (i do know what that feels like) , just a feeling of wanting to isolate. my peace was in my studio.
i am so grateful for social media, keeping me connected on some level with the world.

then in a changed, again. for some reason, i decided to go to an indie kindred gathering, where i met jen lee, rachel owen awes and many other artists..wonderful evening. 

there was a neighborhood night out...went to that.

went to linda petersons' cd release event, with steve, (everyone should have her cd, it has become the music played most in my studio) evening.


brunches and lunches, seeing my friends out in the world, grocery shopping, signing up for shows, and reconnecting...

i don't feel 100% like the old me, but feel at home with the new me. finally.

thank you for taking the time to read my blog. let me know if you have any questions or comments.



  1. Wow! I see you dancing, Diana, I see Joy, and feel your strength and fatigue. You inspire me and I celebrate YOU. Love, Kathryn

    1. thank you kathryn!! it has been a long road...onward!! xoxox

  2. Onward my friend from internet land. We are kindred spirits you and I. I am so hopeful with your story that mine will match yours.

    I heart you and your art!

