Wednesday, August 12, 2015


i have been a book lover since i can remember. i want them around me, my house is full of them.
i love the smell, the feel, and the beautiful look of books.

our house was always full of books, i can remember my parents being avid readers.

i read every night before i fall asleep. i am sure that what i read influences my thoughts and dreams about my art work...a color that has been described, a scenerio, a thought. i read lighthearted books before i fall asleep, but throughout the day... 

i will see a cookbook in the kitchen, and look at the yummy pictures and read the directions....(then tell steve about it, since he has become the cook in our house).

 in the living room and dining room, i have stacks of "coffee table" books, that are very distracting from what i should be doing, decorating books, books about the Virgin Mary, and some of my favorite books that i have read...

in our den, novels, atlas, art, travel books etc..

in the studio

more than once,  when i was in high school i told my mom that i didn't feel well and stayed home and i also skipped school (which was a challenge, we had guards in front of the school, and the school was in a compound) to go home and finish a book i was reading. my favorites back then were, Gone With The Wind, anything by James Michener, biographies, and mysteries. i actually would read anything, other than school books. 

when my son was growing up, i made a rule that everyday, we "had" to read for 20 minutes. by the time he was in junior high, he had so much homework, that i backed down from that rule. it still makes me happy when he mentions a book that he is reading.

now i can CONFESS...when i read at night and when we travel, i use a Kindle. i still keep my favorite books around the house, but if i am cozy in bed, and don't want to get up, or if we are on vacation and i am on the beach, i want to be able to instantly access another book.

favorites of mine....

Our Lady of the Lost and Found,  by Diane Schoemperlen

the Josephine Bonaparte Trilogy, by Sandra Guilland

the Scarpetta books, by Patricia Cornwell (have to reread since i forgot where i left off..)

Janet Evanovich..her books are silly fun

there are actually so many...i might need to do another blog about them...maybe like a book report, to make up for all of the times i didn't turn a book report into the teacher!!

thank you for taking the time to read this..
always open to thoughts, and good book recommendations..


1 comment:

  1. I Adore books too and look, touch read and it is a must have for me also! have one on my bed right now! great blog
