Thursday, June 16, 2016

Something or is it someone new in the studio...

Last week my goal was to blog once a day for the week.  I met my goal, really enjoyed writing, but was anxious to get back to my work table because my latest Floras Adoras design had arrived from my metal cutter.
hmmm..what is it? weekend was booked with so many activities that i could barely sneak into my studio. ( I am usually one to stick close to home and my studio, but working hard on venturing out and playing...BALANCE).

Saturday, we celebrated my sisters' birthday by taking a Mississippi cruise. The temps were in the 90s, so it was a good day to be on the water. I have lived in Minneapolis for 40 years and actually learned more history about our beautiful city in the time we were on the river, than I had in the other years combined.

nonnie and deb 

After the cruise, we went to lunch at a yummy divine Indian restaurant, then to a bookstore, because Nonnie needed to restock her reading materials (she reads about 5 books a week, it is true!).

The day ended at Whole Foods.....cookies!

When Steve and I got home - sun kissed, tired and hot,  I thought that I could get into the studio for a few hours, but when I went up to change into studio clothes (a different blog someday),  I actually gave in to being exhausted. I am not one to give in, but was in bed by 8:30, asleep by 8:32.

Sunday, I got up and thought that I would have a few hours in the studio. I finished my computer stuff, was ready to take the 5 steps to my work table to begin.....Ohhhh..I better go up and get another cup of coffee before I get all painty and gluey. Immediately got distracted in the kitchen. Steve was cooking breakfast !!! Then Flora time!

By now, it is getting close to the time when my friend of a zillion years, Chris will be arriving. We are both so busy, we commit to seeing each other every few weeks or so and get a pedi. I do not require a lot of maintaince ( if you have seen any pics of me, you know that!!!), but this is our ritual! First we go thru the drive thru at Starbucks, get to the nail place, pick our color of polish, get settled in the big massage chairs...and the blabathon begins! No phone interruptions, no pets, noone else. This is usually, an hour of pure laughter and even when we have sad news to share, we manage to find a piece of silliness in that situation. Better than therapy!

Home...have a gathering at Rachel Awes. (but, I actually  managed to get in the studio, and paint the base of my newest design before getting ready to go out). Rachel happens to live very close to my sister, so back in my car, Saint Paul bound. I might as well stop and see my sister and nonnie. Deb was baking a cake, and that is always motivation to visit! Well, cake not done, but had a nice visit.

Time to go to Rachels! Rachel Awes has a new book out...THE GREAT GREEN OKAYNESS, and the gathering was to celebrate this! It was so much fun.


Saw old friends, met new ones, great food, so much laughter, and a common thread that kept running thru the evening was art, color, and other joyful things. All of this art and color talk  made me think that I could get into the studo for a few hours when I got home, the new piece was calling to me!!!

But, once again, I was so tired..up to bed for me!

Monday morning arrives. I was excited, knowing  that I would spend the day in the studio...Steve off to work, Flora sleeping.


I was giddy to be painting, layering papers, looking at the elements  that I would be adding...but, time to get Flora up, adore her for a bit, feed her...

flora adora

...... and get back to the studio....loving my job. Spent the day, trying to focus, not rushing the process, and holding needy Flora now and toddler pup!

I worked through the day, with the normal interruptions and distractions - watching the rain, looking at my messy table that I really am still cleaning and organizing,  but had to take a slight detour in that plan to make something new!!

Ta Da.....she is finished and photographed.


Her opportunity to be so many different things are endless; angel, santo, or become anyone she tells me to make her be!!!

Onward....more to make!!

Thank you for taking the time to read this!
Grateful always.


p.s. this girl will be heading to Gallery 360, in Minneapolis this afternoon!


  1. Breathtaking, just lovely, Diana D!

  2. I live your puppy and your Art!!! So glad we got to twirl at Rachel's !! Please keep writing!! I love reading your style of prose!! Xoxoxox
    We are sisters in art now... Xoxoxox Kiki J

    1. KiKi...thank you! And yes we are..sisters in art..oxo

  3. gathering!!!!!!!!!! :)

    and your "love all" glorious making!

    and YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    looooooooooooooooooooooooooove! rachel xoxooo
