Monday, February 15, 2016

humbled....yet excited!

I am excited and honored that my new collection (still adding to it!) is at the AMERICAN MUSUEM OF FOLK ART SHOP!

This museum in New York, truly celebrates American artists and their work process!  

"Since 1961 the American Folk Art Museum has been shaping the understanding of art by the self taught..."

Folk art defined is this, "folk art encompasses art produced by tradespeople. In contrast to fine art, folk art is primarily utilitarian and decorative rather than purely aesthetic. It is characterized by a naive style, in which traditional rules of proportion and perspective are not employeed."

Yes, this decribes me... American, an artist, and self taught. I have not had an art class since the 6th grade! My work consists mostly of what I have around me, papers, bits and pieces of old and new found objects (hoarded throughout the years), imagination, and drive.

My road to getting my work from Minneapolis to New York, came via my angel friend in California! She encourages me to share my work with as many as possible. As artists, we need someone like that because most of us would rather be in our studio world creating! I am grateful for this friend...we have a history, and we have NEVER met... but we will! 

I will be visiting the museum at some point, sooner than later I hope.  Until then, I will continue browsing their beautiful website full of wonderful art and imagination. I am so humbled that my work is even in the same building!!!

Here is some info about the American Folk Art Museum.... 

2 Lincoln Square, New York City

The current show is Mystery and Benevolence
like them on Facebook
instagram #folkartmuseum

Check out the museum via the links...until you can get to NYC!!!

thank you,
